
Leading Our Future

At The Education Foundation of Alachua County, we have an active, engaged, working Board of Directors. Our board members are passionate about investing in education to ensure equal opportunity and success for the students within our Alachua County Public School District. Our board works alongside The Education Foundation’s staff to make the biggest impact possible by volunteering as mentors with the Take Stock in Children program, by helping with event planning, and by offering oversight within the various committees.

Board members serve three-year terms with the ability to serve two consecutive terms. The board meets monthly as a group to discuss the work within the committees and the organization as a whole.

Education Foundation Board Members

Dr. Sarah Rockwell
School Board of Alachua County – Board Member Alachua County Public Schools

Erik Anderson
Senior Team Leader – Project Development Scorpio

Bea Awoniyi
Assistant Vice President – Student Affairs
Santa Fe College

Mary Benedict 
Community Volunteer 
eSchool/Council PTA

LeAnn Campbell
J.D. Candidate at the University of Florida
Levin College of Law (former paralegal)

Patty Carroll
Sr. Lead, Culture & Communications 

Larry ”Steve” Cecil
Retired CFO
Community Volunteer

Adria Deren 
Tax Partner 
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC 

Lauren Elliott
Director – Communications and Community Engagement
HCA Florida North Florida Hospital

Mitchell Hay, CFP, ChFC
Lead Advisor 
Koss Olinger

Darry Lloyd
Chief Investigator | Public Information Officer
Office of 8th Circuit State Attorney

Romona Jackson
Financial Literacy Coach 
FinanSense, LLC

Nelson Logan
   Community Volunteer
SCORE/Oak Hammock

Kathleen Joseph 
Licensed Mental Health Counselor 
Kathleen Joseph & Associates, LLC

Leslie Pendleton, Ph. D
Executive Director
University Initiatives – University of Florida Advancement

Jacquelyn Randall 
City of Hawthorne

Mary Salvamoser
Executive Assistant to CEO
Oak Hammock at The University of Florida

Charles Riggs Jr, MD, FACP
Retired Oncologist
 UF Health Shands

April Schroeder 
Vice President of Marketing
Florida Credit Union

John Tull
Senior Manager of Business Development 
Gator Sports Properties 

Gwendolyn Saffo
Previous TEFAC Board Vice President
ITM Group

Scott Thomas
Chief Financial Officer
PathPoint Energy, LLC

Build a Lasting Difference

Please contact our office if you are iterested in serving on The Education Foundation of Alachua County Board of Directors.

2 women holing certificates and man in suit